Danzando al celuloide


Cinema is everything that is, everything that was and everything that will be. Our lightest movie visions somehow make us shudder. Sometimes we feel a tingling, other nerves, sometimes, it is a voice that excites us, other times an image brings us a distant memory as if we fell from a great height. We know that we are facing a majestic phenomenon and the largest dream factory ever invented.

The REA dance company wants to pay tribute to the cinema in a staging from vertical and aerial dance, making a personal traveling through flash back, to the prolific life of the seventh art. Starting from the evocation of memorable and magical images on the big screen. Along with a structural description, not critically, but with the intention of breaking down and visualizing the frame of the frame.

Dancing celluloid makes a passage through both genres and cinematographic styles and transcendent films in the history of the seventh art. From Silent Cinema with Charlot and Keaton to Science Fiction, through the terror of Shark, the romance of Titanic, the magic of ETE, the special effects of the Matrix, the savage Western, the epic and historical cinema,…. But we could not leave behind the largest factory of stars on the big screen and the seed of the hegemony of American cinema; HOLLYWOOD. Specifically its golden age. Rea Danza wanted to put the finishing touch to her tribute to the cinema; Singing in the rain, considered one of the best musical movies in the industry, made following the classic schemes of the Metro.

This traveling is supported with vertical dance, video projections of movie scenes, soundtracks and special effects within the show. Four dancers interact with the huge cinema screen that make up the wall and the projections, dancing on it and evoking unforgettable scenes and characters. Dancing the Celluloid is a dynamic and magical show, like the cinema itself, the dancers change characters, locations, genres ... thanks to the projections and soundtracks. But finally the cinema itself ends up escaping from the screen and becoming something real and palpable. In the last scene the rain crosses the limits of the illusion and wets the cyclogram, the dancers are during the last scene really dancing in the rain, just as Gene Kelly once was singing in the rain.

Idea, choreography and direction Jupa and Diego Arias.
Technical Direction Eladio Cano .
Clothing Norma García.
Scenography Juan Arias.
Lighting design Eladio Cano.
Vídeo screenings Jupa Arias.
Production REA producciones.

Mercedes Ángel, Esther Medina, Jupa Arias and Diego Arias.
